Select Your places > Labeled to find your current address. Click the hamburger menu, located in the upper-right corner. It features specialty care units in the areas of cancer, gastrointestinal disease, neuroscience, advanced surgery, and high-technology medical imaging. How To Change Home & Work Address in Google Maps App - iPhone & Android 12,507 views How To Change Home & Work Address in Google Maps App In this tutorial, I show. Navigate to Google Maps using your favorite browser. The Center for Care and Discovery features the latest technology for medical diagnosis and treatment, laboratories for physician-scientists to advance understanding, and family-oriented patient facilities including only single occupancy rooms all in one building. Most striking is the Sky Lobby located on the seventh level, which features floor-to-ceiling glass windows and panoramic views of both the University of Chicago campus and downtown Chicago. This allows for any given section of the hospital to change shape to accommodate changing needs without altering the basic framework of the structure. Now the power to map is in your hands Add missing roads by drawing lines, quickly rename roads, change road directionality, and realign or delete incorrect roads. Rafael Viñoly Architects, working with Cannon Design, planned the hospital on a grid system, with 85 modular cubes organized on each floor. When you see a road missing on, simply click on the side menu button, go to Edit the map, and select Missing Road.
The Center for Care and Discovery is the largest building on campus, with more than a million square feet spanning 10 stories of space for high technology research and advanced patient care.