
Outlook html formatting issues
Outlook html formatting issues

Right side of email is pushed out in OutlookĪ very common issue in Outlook is when the email is pushing out on the right side. The container will create a table and will help Outlook align images and blocks. A trick is to add a Container to your design and then put other content blocks inside the container. Outlook is particularly troublesome when rendering side by side content. Side-by-side content isn’t aligning in Outlook Use Word with styles set up to copy/paste text with formatting applied.

outlook html formatting issues

Use the Base style in the STYLESHEET > ESSENTIAL STYLES > GENERAL STYLES.Copy/paste your text and then click clean in the text block to remove all HTML formatting copied over (highly recommended!).Typing text into a text block manually (instead of copy/paste).Here are some ways to make sure your text HTML avoids bad code: Most often bad code is introduced into a text area when copying and pasting the text from an outside source. Outlook will render text formats unexpectedly when there is extra code (span tags, etc.) in the text HTML. Knowing a few design tricks can help save the day. Recall any memories of your Word document not aligning well with text and images or being finicky with margins? Those same struggles can carry over into Outlook email rendering.

outlook html formatting issues outlook html formatting issues

Next time you’re using Word for a writing project think about this product rendering HTML and CSS code. The trouble stems from Outlook (2007+) using Microsoft Word as the rendering engine. Outlook can be a troublesome email client.

Outlook html formatting issues